Health – Culture as medicine

Health – Culture as medicine

Music as a cultural activity and a form of expression has become increasingly widespread also among the mentally disabled, and we have experienced that it leads to significant health benefits. The learning and mastering abilities are improved because the students experience that challenges can be overcome and assignments solved, and that they eventually succeed. Music as therapy stimulates and motivates. Over a long period of time, we have noticed the positive effects of music on people’s health and well being, and currently music in various forms is being used in many health arenas. In general, we experience that after a period of music education and playing together, the individuals’ self-image is strengthened. From being insecure and cautious, many students evolve into more secure, confident, well functioning and happy individuals.


We become more and more conscious of the effects that music has on our students’ health and social abilities, and on their surroundings. Furthermore, we see the need for more in-depth research into areas on the fringes of mere music education. We also emphasize simple, everyday concerns like hygiene and good behaviour, making it a natural part of the rehearsals, concerts and travels.


[ Tilbake ]   






14.09.13 Jubileumsforestilling i Kilden, kl 18.30

26.09.13 Happy Choir i Grim Kirke




 Kronerulling 2024
Kr. 350.000,-